
Showing posts from 2013

Are you eligible to apply for a PR1MA home

Find out if you are eligible to apply for a PR1MA home. As long as you fulfil these basic requirements, you could be a proud homeowner of PR1MA. You must be a Malaysian citizen Malaysian citizens (Single or Married) aged 21 and above Individual or Combined household income (Husband & Wife) between RM2,500 – RM7,500 Own no more than 1 property between you and your spouse, if any Do you fit within the eligibility criteria? Apply for your PR1MA home now Note: PR1MA homes will be allocated through an open balloting process. Selection of house units by the successful balloted owner will be based on the balloting sequence. A 10-year moratorium will be imposed, during which the property cannot be sold or transferred to another party without prior approval from PR1MA. PR1MA homes must be owner occupied.

Johor govt to take over low-cost home projects

Guests looking at a model of the Taman Molek affordable apartment blocks at the launch of the project by Johor Menteri Besar Mohamed Khaled Nordin. -- PHOTO: THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK JOHOR BARU - The Johor state government will clear a backlog of thousands of low-cost and affordable houses by finishing the projects itself and sending the bill to errant developers. State housing and local government exco member Abd Latiff Bandi said the decision comes following a rising demand for such houses within Iskandar Malaysia, one of the country's most successful economic corridors, The Star reported. Construction of nearly 180,000 low-cost units has been approved by the Johor government since 1999, but only 21,000 have been completed so far. Developers have reportedly ignored low-cost projects in favour of constructing luxury houses to rake in profits. "We are in the midst of gathering details on errant developers within Iskandar Malaysia through the various district offi...

IWH, JCorp To Jointly Build 8,300 Affordable Houses Under PR1MA

IWH, JCorp To Jointly Build 8,300 Affordable Houses Under PR1MA Johor Corporation (JCorp) and Iskandar Waterfront Holdings Sdn Bhd (IWH) will jointly develop 8,300 units of affordable houses under the  1Malaysia Housing Programme (PR1MA) .  The 8,300 new houses, the construction of which will begin late this year and completed by late 2015, will be made available to eligible applicants in nine locations within the  Johor Bahru  district. IWH Managing Director Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo said there would be a good choice of apartments, townhouses or detached single-storey houses to match individual budgets and family requirements. “The location of the projects in sub-urban areas was carefully selected for easy accessibility to the city here and to provide a ready pool of labour to neighbouring industries and the services sector, ” he said in a statement. The houses would be built in prime locations with good road connectivity and public amenities, he added. A com...

Massive Chinese project to stimulate market

WEALTH EFFECT: With 9,000 condominium units slated to complete by 2018, the mammoth Country Garden Danga Bay (CGDB) project by Chinese top 10 developer, Country Garden Holdings Ltd is being hailed as a watershed moment for Iskandar. How would it impact other local developments? Country Garden Holdings, China’s seventh largest property developer and ranked 783rd in Forbes list of Global 2000 companies has just made an indelible mark on the Malaysian property market with its recent high-profile launch of its waterfront development CGDB in Iskandar, Johor Bahru with a GDV (Gross Development Value) of RM18 billion. According to Michael Ong, Country Garden Properties Sales Supervisor, response to the project has been overwhelming. On offer are 33 blocks of condo and 11 blocks of apartments comprising serviced apartments and condos with one, two and three bedrooms. Prices range between RM720 – RM1,100 per sq ft, translating to an average price range (before discount) of RM450,000 to RM...

Johor to build 28,000 low-cost and affordable homes in next five years Bernama| Updated: September 04, 2013

Johor to build 28,000 low-cost and affordable homes in next five years  Bernama | Updated: September 04, 2013 JOHOR BHARU : The Johor government is committed to building 28,000 units of low-cost and affordable houses in the urban areas within the next five years to ensure that such areas are resided by people of all races and not dominated by one race. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said from the number, 20,000 units would be built in the Iskandar Malaysia development area and the other 18,000 units in other areas of the state at a cost of RM50,000 to RM150,000. "The state government realises the high price of houses in Johor due to the price of land which has skyrocketed in some areas, creating an imbalance. "As a result, it's very expensive to rent a house in an urban area for a big family, newly married couples and those who have just entered the working world." Khaled said this in his speech at the signing of...

Sale & Purchases of Houses in Malaysia

Sale & Purchase of Houses 1. Who can buy houses in Malaysia? Any Malaysian can buy houses in this country. Only Malaysian citizens may buy low-cost houses. A buyer must apply to the State Authority. Only those from the lower income group can buy low-cost houses. Only Malays can buy houses built on Malay Reservation Land. Every housing developer must reserve 30% of its houses for “bumiputeras” [Malays and other natives]. Bumiputeras enjoy a certain percentage of discount. A foreigner can buy any industrial land and factories. A foreigner has to apply for consent from the State Authority to buy residential houses and shophouses or commercial lots in a complex. A foreigner must also inform the Foreign Investment Committee [FIC] – a planning unit in the Prime Minister’s Office – if he wants to buy landed property below the value of RM5 million. If the property is worth more than RM5 million, he has to obtain the approval from the FIC. 2. Buying a house from a de...

GST VS Properties Price

消费税终于来了!酝酿多年的消费税,这次不是狼来了,是狼真的来了! 政府2014年财政预算案中宣布,消费税(goods and services tax,简称GST)将在2015年4月1日生效。预算案也阐明,房地产的消费税仅限于商业与工业单位、土地交易、建筑材料等,而不包括住宅。 然而,嗅觉敏感精打细算的购屋者与投资者却闻风惊起,赶在消费税正式落实前,四处疯狂抢购房产;而发展商也赶在消费税正式落实前的超高买气,趁机推介新的产业发展计划。为什么? 实上,不管任何产业,住房或商业与工业产业,购屋者与投资者都坚信,在2015年4月1日落实征收消费税后,房价楼价势必水涨船高、节节上涨。 或许有人听了不免咋舌,怎么还涨,难道目前房价楼价涨得还嫌不够高吗? 然而,锱铢必较的发展商却会告诉你,在建筑材料价格飙涨,加上消费税,土地、劳工等建筑成本加重的情况下,房价楼价又焉能不涨? 再加上,政府严格规定,强制发展商必须补贴廉价与中低价房屋30%成本下,也迫得发展商最终不得不将之转嫁给购屋者,房价楼价更是非涨不可了。 或许,在现阶段,购屋者已因最近白糖起价、燃油价格上涨10%,以及从明年起电费轮番再起等引起百物腾涨的连锁反应而倍感生活压力,一些产业甚至也趁势调高价格。 因此,在来势凶凶即将落实的消费税制,房价楼价又怎能置身税外,不连番飙涨呢? 别以为大幅调高产业盈利税(real property gains tax,简称RPGT),就能有效遏制投机活动,避免房价再涨;殊不知,房价飙涨的原因部分也是来自市场趋势与产业因素。 房价10年翻倍 事实上,根据一项报告显示,大马的房价,在过去的10年里,几乎翻倍成长,升幅几达100%。 虽然间中也曾出现稍微挫跌,但一般跌幅不大。 之后,稍作调整,旋即再涨。 尤其是吉隆坡这个大都会,更是亚太10大可投资城市之一。 在《大吉隆坡》大蓝图的重点发展计划下,在未来10年内,也必将吉隆坡打造成为世界20个宜居、经济成长活跃的城市之一,再次使吉隆坡一跃成为国际投资者聚焦的投资热点城市,房价更是高居不下。 再加上吉隆坡地小人多,如今可以发展的地段可谓少之又少,而且绝大部分也都延伸到吉隆坡周边以外的城外地区,无形之中,更使寸土如金的吉隆坡房价身价百倍。 所以,身为吉隆坡人,若你本身还住在吉隆坡、生活在吉隆坡,与其奢望吉隆坡的房价下跌,还不如趁着《大吉隆坡》...

一站諮詢服務- 置業顧問

一站諮詢服務 - 置業顧問 我們歡迎外國人來投資, 我們提供了多種靈活的諮詢服務,以滿足您的需求和提供各種為客戶物業相關的解決方案。除了下面列出的一般服務,我們很高興地討論任何專業要求,你可能有,並通過個性化的服務,將最終形成客戶端和我們這無疑有利於雙方的長期持久的關係提供了中肯的意見。 如果您購買作投資用途,我們可以提供分區權利和限制,以節省您浪費時間和金錢,由於選擇了錯誤的位置,準確的意見。 1。租賃物業 - 我們可以協助您尋找客戶的短期和長期租賃。為了使你的財產進行評估,我們需要數碼照片和有關設施和位置的描述。 2。購買物業 - 我們可以提供諮詢和協助你找到一個屬性來滿足您的要求。對於這種服務,我們收取每方(賣方和買方)1%的顧問費。 注:除部分銷往了財產或價格的變化。

After report of MALAYSIA BUDGET 2014 come out, what will happen to properties in Johor Bahru?

There are many of investors/ purchasers concern  after report of  MALAYSIA BUDGET 2014 come out, what will happen to properties in Johor Bahru? Will it properties market drop or the price drop? or more higher or others happening? Let us have a look like this (My opinion) There should have 3 possible happening, Price Properties Up Case of Under Table Price Properties of Residential Cool Down Price Properties Up Compare to others state, johor bahru's price of properties like residential/commercial/industrial/ land is still mid-lower than others state. Previously government control Residential Property above Ringgit Malaysia M500,000 that foreigner can buy. Of course FIC is must pay. Now the control had been increase from RM500,000 to RM1,000,000, therefore how do those developers survival? They been having a meeting since afternoon till overnight during the budget 2014 report come out. They will get more sources banker/valuer & agents, see how to push their on...

Malaysia Budget 2014


Malaysia New Property Tax for Foreigner who buying Malaysia Property


Malaysia set to spend US$50b to develop rail network

Malaysia plans to spend a staggering US$50 billion to develop its rail network over the next seven years,  including a high-speed rail linking Kuala Lumpur and Singapore set for 2020, and the urban mass rapid transit system that is rolling out in 2017. NLARGE MALAYSIA: Malaysia plans to spend a staggering US$50 billion to develop its rail network over the next seven years, including a high-speed rail linking Kuala Lumpur and Singapore set for 2020, and the urban mass rapid transit system that is rolling out in 2017. Compared to developed countries where rail transport makes up a third of public transportation, Malaysia's share is less than 4 per cent. People here rely heavily on roads because existing train services are slow and train journeys are time consuming. However with spiralling land and fuel costs, limited space and traffic congestion, rail transportation is seeing a revival. Prime Minister Najib Razak recently announced big plans for the country at a...

Taman Delima 2 Leasehold 7xyrs Non Bumi For Sale

Taman Delima 2 Double Storey Terrace Corner Tenure: Leasehold Non Bumi Land Area: Approx 4000sqft Sale: RM600k Neg.