After report of MALAYSIA BUDGET 2014 come out, what will happen to properties in Johor Bahru?

There are many of investors/ purchasers concern  after report of  MALAYSIA BUDGET 2014 come out, what will happen to properties in Johor Bahru? Will it properties market drop or the price drop? or more higher or others happening?

Let us have a look like this (My opinion)

There should have 3 possible happening,

  1. Price Properties Up
  2. Case of Under Table
  3. Price Properties of Residential Cool Down

Price Properties Up
Compare to others state, johor bahru's price of properties like residential/commercial/industrial/ land is still mid-lower than others state.

Previously government control Residential Property above Ringgit Malaysia M500,000 that foreigner can buy. Of course FIC is must pay. Now the control had been increase from RM500,000 to RM1,000,000, therefore how do those developers survival? They been having a meeting since afternoon till overnight during the budget 2014 report come out. They will get more sources banker/valuer & agents, see how to push their on hand properties's price up to over a million. The ways i can't write over here.

During the moments, i believe that many of investors/ purchaser will before DEC'2013 buy in a lot properties which before it when up. This cause this coming 2 month price will up & sell a lot.

Case of Under Table
To avoids of property tax
For Citizens:                                   For Foreigner:
1-3rd year = 30%                          30%
4th     year = 20%                          30%
5th     year = 15%                          30%

Most of the Purchaser will propose to Vendor to selling lower price to avoids tax, so under table.

Property Cool Down 
After the price up  Jan 2014, it sure will cool down market but this doesn't stop investor on the properties. Which it is only focus on Residential not in others, so not much affect. If you are investor, sure will turn gun to commercial market.


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